Just about every year I make a lofty health-related New Year’s resolution— Eat veggies at every meal! Workout 6 times a week! No more refined sugar! Well, this year, I’m not doing it! Why? This past month, I’ve spent more time than ever surrounded by my family due to a recent tragedy. In light of my mother passing, we were able to become closer than ever. I’ve realized that nothing comes close to the importance of family, and this year, I want to remind myself of that every day. I’m sure 2014 will still involve plenty of green juice and yoga, but this year my resolution is more than that. Although we all live in different parts of the country, I pledge to get together with my extended family as often as possible!
I got to thinking about the idea early in December, when we hosted one of the most lively FWF dinner parties of all time. A loving daughter gathered her entire family– even sending a limo to pick them up in Connecticut– to celebrate her father’s 70th birthday. The family arrived dressed to the nines, starting the evening off with champagne, canapes, and live sitar music. The family follows a vegetarian diet (I think it has something to do with their youthful looks!) so they enjoyed a lovely 4-course vegetarian menu. As the evening progressed through dinner, the laughter became so loud you’d have thought we were entertaining 50 guests rather than 12. This family’s love was so infectious it made the party such a joy to host. The evening was capped off by birthday cake and a family-wide dance party complete with traditional Indian music. Yes, by the end of the night, even I was dancing with them!
It was so heartwarming to see a family gathering as lovely as this one. I hope that I’m able to do the same with my family many times in the new year. To all of you, I encourage the same! My family was brought together recently due to tragedy, but for you that shouldn’t be the case. Let this wonderful birthday party inspire you to get together more often in times of celebration. FWF would love to help you plan and host a dinner party just as fabulous as this for all your friends and family. After all, there’s nothing more important! Let’s make 2014 incredible by showing those we’re close to how much we love them. So, what will your resolution be this year? Will it involve family? Let me know! As always, email us at pa********@ao*.com to plan your next event in 2014.
A big thank you to Urvi Tejani for throwing this fantastic party! She provided the most stunning floral arrangements from The Windsor Florist. Make sure to check out her FABULOUS jewelry at http://www.tejani.com/ !!!